FREE Books For Students And Seniors In SFV


FREE Books For Students And Seniors In SFV

Does your child need books? Are you a student who needs books? Are you a senior who needs books? Are you an organization (a school, a Church, a nursing home, etc.) that needs books? Get on the list, NOW!

One Human Community is collecting books for students and adult readers in San Fernando Valley. Our goal is to not only provide FREE books to students and seniors but to create a community of readers, including a Book Club / discussion group, book reports, recommended reading lists, etc.

Books open new doors and help fight adversity, immediately. Long term, books enable effective education, provide the opportunity to earn good income, good writing and speaking habits, they can combat bullying and loneliness. Being well-read is an asset for anyone under any circumstances.

Become a part of One Human Readers’ Community. Fill out and submit the form, below. (We’ll notify you of upcoming book distributions by email.)